My guest in this episode is Myladie Stoumbou.

She  is the Regional Director for Partner Business Development in Microsoft  Corp. Myladie leads an innovative and fast-growing partner ecosystem  across 33 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. She works on new  business practices, services, and solutions that reimagine the way of  doing business.

When  you tune into the podcast, you will discover that apart from everything  else, Myladie is a fabulous storyteller. This is how she described her  upbringing:

"I  was raised in a very small provincial town in Western Greece. I was  raised with lots of love, with the wisdom of the ancient philosophers,  the drama plots of the ancient tragedians, and the theorems of the  ancient mathematicians. "

She  is also someone who likes to follow non-traditional paths. She studied  Computer engineering when this was not a "thing"; and when it was far  less of a  women's profession than now. And then she became a sales  guru, not in any company but Microsoft!

When  I asked for her three key takeaways, she told me, "Well, I will give  you five at the size of one"! This is a salesperson through and through.

Miladye said that she walks her path with GRACE and these five pillars are her compass through the years:

- Generosity – be a giver, not only a taker

- Resilience – make mistakes and learn from them

- Authenticity – be true to who you are

- Courage – don't be afraid to make decisions to break the status quo

- Empathy – stay human; try to connect from the heart and try to understand others

Happy listening!!

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