This time, I have swapped roles and become the guest in my own podcast. I am

an ex-banker, working at Citibank for 21 years. Ex Regional COO for

Asia for Treasury and Trade Solutions, a division called "the jewel in

the crown". I covered 16 countries in my last job; two of them were

China and India. 

And then, in 2021, I quit my job and moved the family to Europe to start a completely different life and a portfolio career. 

I discuss my story with a guest host Eric Sim, another ex-Citibanker,

author of the hugely successful book "Small Actions", and a coach.  

Here is what we spoke about spoke:

(01:32) Intro by Eric Sim

(02:19) Born in Bulgaria - what was it like living there

(04:25) Was working for a bank my dream

(06:25) How did I get a job at Citibank

(08:43) Driving factor for my career

(09:44) Changing jobs 

(11:01)Transition between Europe and Asia 

(12:22) Benefits of international career

(14:06) Moving jobs and countries with a family

(15:15) Why did I leave my corporate job

(17:18) Preparing to leave a corporate career - what are the steps

(18:38) Why I chose to live in Greece

(19:30) Building a personal brand and online presence. 

(23:30) If I have to do it again, what would I change

(25:55) My portfolio career

(28:12) Corporate vs portfolio career

(29:30) 3 takeaways for a successful career change



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