Do you feel stuck in a job that no longer makes you happy? Recognising when it’s time for a change is the first step towards a more rewarding career. There are some key signs that it might be time to move on: feeling constantly unhappy and drained, having few chances to learn and grow, staying only for the money rather than because you enjoy the work, your skills being ignored or underused, your values not matching the company’s culture, dealing with ongoing stress, anxiety, or sleep problems, often thinking about leaving but being scared of the unknown, and a strong gut feeling that you need a new direction. If any of these sound familiar, it might be time to seriously think about finding a job or company that better suits your needs and goals. Taking that first step can open up a world of new possibilities.
0:00 Life is too short to stay in an unfulfilling job.
0:44 Constant unhappiness and its impact.
1:53 Lack of learning and growth opportunities.
2:50 Staying only for the paycheck.
3:42 Overlooked or underutilised abilities.
4:45 Misalignment with company culture.
5:48 Chronic stress, anxiety, and sleep issues.
6:54 Frequent thoughts of leaving but fear of the unknown.
7:46 Gut feeling that it’s time to go.
8:38 Encouragement to take action based on these signs.
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